Tip #44: Take the Road Less Traveled.
I love traveling. Seeing new places and doing new things are awesome. I usually take a plane but every now and then, a road trip isn't...
Tip #40: Live Through the Pain.
I think we would all agree that when we're in pain, it sucks! The bottom line is that if you live long enough, you will endure some type...
Tip #39E: Be Patient!
The next fruit is patience. This one is a pretty tough fruit to bear because much of our society is moving at such a fast pace. If you've...
Tip #33: SLOW DOWN!
I'm going to give you fair warning that this post may be a little raw but bear with me. Today, we live in such a fast paced society....
Tip #19: Find Balance in Life.
Think of tightrope walker. A few years ago, there was one guy who walked across a tightrope across Niagara Falls not long ago (search it...